Why Join Band?
If you're on this page, you've already taken the first, important step. You want to learn more about marching band.
Here's the bottom line - it's the toughest thing you'll ever love.
You'll sweat, you'll swear, you'll laugh, you'll (probably) cry, you'll struggle, you'll work together with a group that has the same level of crazy you do, you'll meet new friends, you'll travel to fun places, you'll grow, you'll learn, you'll gain, you'll make memories, you'll grow and grow and grow.
Marching band is a family - it's a group you can count on to have your back and be there for you.
You will learn more than you ever thought possible and become the best version of yourself.
Long days at Band Camp will be exhausting, fall afternoon rehearsals will be tough at times, but your Friday nights - spending the evening with the people who love you most - will be without comparison.
You will get more, give more, do more, see more, learn more, and be more than you ever thought possible.
What you WON'T do is to ever regret the path you travelled to find that reward.
To get started on the greatest adventure you'll never forget, click below.